Over 93% of all Donations go directly to Projects.

Under 7% for admin, fundraising, and salaries.

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Joining a charity as a volunteer is a commitment to creating positive change and leaving a lasting impact on the lives of those less fortunate..

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Help the Children, Old age, women and Disable

Let us stand united in our dedication to shaping a brighter future for the children who hold the keys to tomorrow. .

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Got Shelter

Help the Homeless & Hungry People.

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Our Charity Causes

If you want to work with for Save Poor charity? Send your Details.

"At KGNAAK, we are driven by a profound commitment to making a positive impact in the world. Our diverse range of charitable causes is fueled by the belief that every individual deserves access to basic necessities, education, and healthcare. From supporting underprivileged communities to championing environmental sustainability, we strive to create a lasting change that transcends borders.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to serve and aware people from their rights and duties, techniques for social security and also socio-economic development training programme. Skilled life style achievement programme.

Homeless Charities.

Homeless charities often focus on addressing the root causes of homelessness, such as unemployment, mental health issues, and substance abuse.

Education Charities.

Education charities play a crucial role in addressing disparities in access to quality education and promoting learning opportunities for individuals around the world.

Health Charities.

Health charities play a crucial role in addressing and mitigating various health challenges faced by individuals and communities globally.


Major programmes include online training, online awareness programs, lectures and talk show with major personalities

Economic involvement.

Special focus on the chapter of economic involvement by the depressed class society of concerned region of the universe.

Drugs addiction

Online programmes for drugs de-Addiction in the backward societies living standard and report on the economic harassment from drugs addiction in developing countries